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PZ CORMAY SA is a recognized manufacturer of high-quality diagnostic reagents
and a distributor of world-class medical equipment. For over 27 years we have been producing in vitro tests for clinical chemistry, electrophoresis, hematology, coagulation and blood group serology. We offer automatic biochemical and hematological analyzers. We offer fully automated systems for parasitological and immunological analysis, as well as a vacuum blood collection system. CORMAY’s
mission is to obtain full customer satisfaction from the use of the products offered by the company and to provide advice, assistance and experience.
By combining innovation with experience, we provide goods and services of the highest quality. We are simultaneouslythe largest Polish producer and exporter of diagnostic reagents.
CORMAY sets are exported to over 150 countries around the world. Our foreign partners include Germany, Austria, France, Greece, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, England, China, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Latvia, Bulgaria and India. Through our own subsidiaries, we are present in Russia and Belarus.