RMS Vega 201 Treadmill Test (TMT)
Product Description
The TMT (Treadmill Test Systems) series of RMS VEGA machines sets a new benchmark for preventive healthcare, redefining accuracy standards for Stress Test Systems. The RMS VEGA provides true ECG complexes, wander-free ECG wave shapes and accurate measurements using a superior bit ADC. The Treadmill, built in-house, embraces an elegant yet functional development of technology. Like all our products, the VEGA is also compatible with a user-friendly graphical interface to help the busy healthcare professionals of today. RMS manufactures the TMT (Stress Test System) high-quality and cost-effective price-sensitive Indian consumer system.PC Cardiac workstation combines ECG rest and exercise
- Simultaneous acquisition and display of 12 lead raw ECG
- Standard and user-programmable treadmill protocols
- Duke Treadmill score risk prediction
- Detection of leads off and arrhythmias
- Multiple displays and report format configured by the user
- Heavy-duty Treadmill
- Automatic NIBP upgrade (optional).
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